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With extensive experience and expertise in psychological and neurodevelopmental assessment, we provide a wide range of assessment services for children, adolescents and adults.​


Assessments at Davis Psychology focus on understanding strengths, differences and difficulties, as well as a clear path forward that provides confidence and hope for the future.​


Depending on individual needs, an assessment may involve one or more of the following components.

Cognitive Assessment

A cognitive assessment (also known as an intelligence test) measures an individual's general level of ability, and cognitive strengths and weaknesses to inform how best to support an individual’s needs to progress in their academic learning and general development. 


Davis Psychology has a variety of cognitive assessments available including the Wechsler intelligence scales (WPPSI-IV, WISC-V, WAIS-IV), Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability & Achievement - Fourth Edition (WJ-IV Cog, WJ-IV Ach) and The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing Second Edition (CTOPP-2).


Cognitive assessment is an important part of identifying intellectual disability, giftedness and specific learning disorders such as Dyslexia. Cognitive assessment is also often useful when considering conditions such as Autism and ADHD and determining required adjustments and supports.  



Academic Achievement Assessment

Assessment of a student's academic achievement helps identify strengths and challenges so that intervention and support can be targeted to areas of need. Davis Psychology has a variety of academic assessment tools available to be able to assess broad areas of reading, writing, mathematics and oral language, as well as the specific subskills in each such as:


  • Reading - word reading, decoding, reading fluency (accuracy and rate), reading comprehension and recall.​

  • Writing​ - spelling, writing fluency, sentence composition, essay composition, use of grammar and punctuation, editing.​

  • Mathematics​ - math calculation, math fluency, applied problem solving.​

  • Oral language​ - receptive language, expressive language.


A cognitive and achievement assessment (educational assessment) allows for assessment of Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. 

Autism Assessment

Davis Psychology has extensive experience in completing autism assessments with children and young people. An autism assessment often involves:

  • administration of several standardised assessment tools

  • observation of the individual in clinic and possibly at school

  • interviews with parents, teachers and the individual themselves (when appropriate).


A cognitive assessment is often included to inform needed adjustments and supports. Autism assessments can also include assessment of academic achievement if learning concerns are present.  

ADHD Assessment

An ADHD assessment can be completed with children, adolescents and adults and typically involves:

  • interviews with parents, teachers, and the individual themselves (when appropriate)

  • observation at school and/or in-clinic

  • questionnaires being completed by parents, teachers, partners (for adults) and the individual themselves (when appropriate)


Davis Psychology has both behavioural measures of attention, hyperactivity, and executive functioning that provide understanding regarding an individuals degree of attentional and impulse control, as well as their planning and organisation skills. 

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